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11 April 2007

camera club

so my washer needs some fixing, and it could take awhile (warranty crap) i have been dreading going to the laundromat, because, well- there are 6 of us...and that is a lot of dirty clothes. but, when i washed, dried, and folded 8 loads of laundry in an hour and a half, I was singing a different tune. it was kind of handy.

as you can see from the pictures, it wasn't the nicest laundromat in town, but it was across the street from the local library. the kids did homework, read, researched lemurs, and played on the playground to their hearts content. i took these pictures in my few minutes of downtime- playing around with the features on my camera (i forgot my book)


steph said...

Are you kidding me? I love the laund-ro-mat. Get an entire weeks worth of laundry done in just a few hours! Forget doing a load a day... maybe I'll start saving my quarters!

noelle said...

i know, i take it back, i heart the laundromat!


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