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15 August 2008

a new bag

...been doin' a little bit of sewing. This purse is actually for a friend- custom made as a diaper bag. I hope she likes it.
It was fun to get back into the sewing room and do some design work.
It seems nearly impossible to get anything sewn during the summer- just keeping the house and yard tidy seems to be all consuming.
A few weeks ago I was dreading the end of summer; the end of unscheduled days, freedom and all of that. Now, I can't wait for my little cherubs to go back to school. I think they sense the end of summer days- they are getting restless and making me crazy.


Hailey said...

Howdy N! Your new bag is lovely! I channeled you yesterday and today while in fabric stores (3). Found some really fun things. Ashley and I are attempting our own Olympic feat... 9 I-spy quilts for X-mas. Also, I need an apron. Here is some of what I found: owls, mannequins, hounds tooth, Mexican hairless dogs, flowers, Snoopy & Hello Kitty Christmas, and 2 baby bird chicks playing tug-o-war with a worm... Now I need to channel your discipline.

Colett (*.*) said...

Cute! It's a combo of your wall hangings and your bags, good idea you clever little one!

Precia said...

So cute! I love it!


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