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22 August 2008

my attempt to quilt without a pattern

My mother-in-law Jan made the original quilt. She can't find the pattern, so I am attempting to remake it for my Mom and her bed and breakfast, Slot Canyons Inn- without the pattern. This is my first finished square. I like the way this little indian maiden turned out, and the turn under applique method went faster than I thought it would. Now I just need to add some beads to the bottom of her skirt... and make 8 more squares. It a good thing I like hand sewing, ever since I can remember hand stitching has a relaxing and calming effect to me. It's like my little treat. Kind of weird huh?
Here is the whole darn quilt. It's kind of tiny, about 2 1/2' by 3 1/2'. I have seen it hanging at my in-laws for years and always loved it. It's kind of fun to be trying to recreate it.

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