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28 April 2008

in memorandum

Ivan, the cat has gone to kitty heaven. She was 13. She died in her sleep on Saturday. I must say I've been fine until I started writing this, now I'm crying. It just that she's been in our family most of our married life, and although she was a little stinker and would just as easily bite you as start to purr if you tried to pet her, we still loved her. We are happy she's reunited in dog/cat heaven with Enzo (the Siberian Husky, pictured above), her best friend most of her life who has been gone 3 years now. We will miss you Ivan, you little pill.
These pictures are from before we had children, once children are born you stop taking pictures of your pets, unless they are in the picture with the kids. Since the kids were all scared to pick Ivan up and would only chance the occasional petting, I couldn't find any recent pictures. Or maybe if we didn't have so many (thousands) pictures these days I could have hunted one down. I guess it's all good, you get the idea and she was looking good, (no weird aged kitty problems) until she finally shuffled off her mortal coil.

This whole thing has made me think about Rubin and Ed. Super wacky, you gotta love Crispin Glover in this cult classic.


Midge said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I reminded me of the David Sedaris story The youth in asia. If you haven't read it you should check it out it might lighten your mood.

Daybreaking Dickersons said...

I'm so sorry! You've totally have Ivan forever. Him and Enzo are totally cuddling in Enzo's Dog House.

steph said...

Sorry Ivan... sweet dreams in kitty heaven.

Colett (*.*) said...

I hate that pets have to get old and die, we're in the middle of dealing with the same situation, bye bye little cranky Ivan, BTW we missed you last night we were busy little bees.

lex said...

Since I've lived with cat and I COMPLETELY understand the love hate relationship.. Bye bye Ivan the terrible!


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