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30 June 2011

the next project

I finally found a desk for M's room (the room with the silver bed we just painted). After driving past it about a thousand times, we finally stopped into that antique store in Scipio, the one with piles of antiques and junk scattered out front- year round. Yeah, well, this desk was in the jumbled mixed on the stoop, but under a tarp. This view makes it look pretty good- I love the wood colors.

Then you get a closer look and see that it really needs some love-

The dovetailed drawers cinched it for me- under all of it's nicks and gouges, this $15 desk is a steal.  When we barely got it stuffed it into the back of the Altima, I knew it was meant to be. Now I just need to decide how much work to put into it. Unfortunately, I don't have time to refinish it. It will likely end up with a coat of paint. A bit of a shame to cover up all the woodwork, but shame on the person who dragged it outdoors and let it rot.

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