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23 September 2010

real or fake? or does it really matter

I guess this film, Catfish played at Sundance last year, I missed it, another reason to feel giddy about moving to Midway- only 10 minutes or so from Park City. Anyway, if Catfish comes back to Utah, (it opens in selected cities tomorrow, Sept 24th) and I really hope it does, I will be there. I know not much else but what the trailer gives you, but it looks intriguing and I enjoy the raw filmmaking style. I just hope I doesn't end too freaky, like The Blair Witch Project and continue to give me the heeby geebies every time I go camping when it's been years since I saw that film. Catfish might make me want to what? cancel my facebook account? I hope that's all, if you know... don't tell!

Steve O saw this film about Joaquin Phoenix, I'm Still Here, last week and can't stop talking about it. Apparently tons of controversy now surround it- is it real or fake? Word is, it doesn't matter- Joaquin is jacked up. Either way, I hope I can get around to seeing it while it's in SLC, if I can stand looking at that hot mess hairdo for 120 minutes.

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