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21 July 2011

cast art

The first question one might ask is what color was the cast? The answer is green. As we left the doctors office with the brand new cast (about 2 weeks ago)F told me he wasn't going to let anyone write anything on it, ever. Oh well, so much for that plan. 
Paint pens come in very handy at times like these, even better than Sharpies on fiberglass.

There should be a cast decorating contest, and the winner gets, um, let's see... all their medical bills paid!

This piece of art stays on for another week, then the doctors will take it off, take out the pins that are holding the ulna bone in place (sticking out of the skin but buried under the cast), put a short cast on and he'll be able to bend his arm once again.
The original x-ray... ouch!


VaLene Hulme said...

That is the coolest cast art ever! Poor guy.

Donelle Anderson said...

Awesome cast!! And Ouch is right looking at that xray.


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