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08 April 2011

Sound of Music drapery costumes, part 2

While leisurely looking through a shoe box full of real photos, we came across some more pictures of the drapery costumes I made years ago- it looks like 2000 or 2001. Here's the moment Rolfe, the evening's host, was asking Gretel about her hurt finger, (as you might recall- that got caught between Kurt's teeth). The cast was real, a broken arm with impeccable timing.

I've now scanned and put up all of the photos I have of that night. So fun- if ever you get a chance to be part of a sing-a-long, and dress up (even better)--> dive in head first.
More pictures here.
Drapery costumes part 1, look here.

1 comment:

VaLene Hulme said...

I get a chuckle every time I see these photos. And those kids - so small and cute. I can't believe you were able to make all of those!


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