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14 February 2011

Be My Valentine

Here are some vintage Valentine wishes for you, Valentines that might keep you guessing-
I'm feeling faint... losing a lot of blood with this creepy Valentine.

I hope this was a special valentine purchased for that one special someone, not purchased in a box of 35 for your whole 3rd grade class, breaking hearts all over town with the promise of 'some day'.

More like... "Hey Valentine, I need a nappy change- on the double?!"

So, what is going on here? Is he trying to say, "I may be a chubby kid, but I promise to slim down when I become a man", so please be my Valentine?

I think this is really a waterhorse dressed as a frog, a salamander in shorts perhaps...

Didn't you play 'court' when you were little, right after that tea party? I'm seeing a little role play coming on...

So cute, I'd like this a wallpaper somewhere in my house.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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