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15 July 2010

My Dad

My Dad, Jeff Rex passed away early this morning, he was 65. He's suffered from Lewy Body disease for many years. But, regardless of the dementia that Lewy Body inflicts on its patients, he was cheerful, peaceful and desperately funny until the end. He cracked jokes constantly, inadvertently and with definite purpose on many occasions. Caring for him was a happy task, full of confused banter, mixed-up, unfinished stories and a slew of giggles for all. My Mom, tireless in her careful attention to his needs for so many years, is an impressive model of love and dedication in the face of trials. I don't think I've heard her complain once about the difficulties in her life or the workload she carried every single day- running a bed & breakfast and taking care of Dad everyday. I try and follow he example, but continually fall short. I suppose I've still got many moons to try and get it right...
My Dad is my hero. He's a person who led by example, teaching me to work hard and play hard. He taught me that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
I just found this picture this morning shuffled in with my unorganized mix of family photos and letters, and somehow, I don't recall ever seeing it before. This picture of me and my Dad (I think it's Rhode Island) seems to sum it all up. My Dad was always there for me, encouraging me to climb higher (letting me step on his hands if necessary), enjoy new places and work hard. He taught me to adore my children, embrace the company of family and friends, and love adventure and travel- smiling and laughing all the whole way.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday July 20, 2010 in Escalante UT. For more information look here.


GrittyPretty said...

dear noelle,
I'm so sorry about this loss. Your dad sounds wonderful- of course he is- you're his daughter! Our deepest condolences to your family.
love and peace,

VaLene Hulme said...

Noelle, that was a beautifully written tribute to your Dad. I am so sorry that he had such a tough go the last few years. We're thinking about you and your family.

Olsen Family said...

Very beautiful tribute and picture. I'm so happy I came to the reunion to see him one last time. I will for sure be there Tuesday. See you soon. I'm so sorry, it must be so hard. Have a good day.


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