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17 March 2011

St. Patrick Day intentions

All my best intentions for some really fabulous St. Patrick's Day front door decor are sitting in a heap in the corner of my sewing room. I had (wait... still have) this great idea- to make a scrappy, wacky sort of wreath with all these green bits and a leftover wreath form I found laying around. As you can see, it never got done.  But, it's going to happen, cause little naked, leprechaun/monkey guy is not going back in a drawer. He's staying on the shelf in plain sight,  staring me down and daring me to get him up on that front door. Maybe I'll make some tiny pants for him too... maybe not, for sure a tiny hat (tiny Easter dress?).

The Converse sneakers really have nothing to do with the wreath plan, I just threw them in while wondering how they ended up on the floor of the bedroom and not rockin' St. Patty's Day at the Middle School?

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