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28 November 2007


life out of balance....
so...all I do is sew- and here are some pictures to prove it. I am getting ready for the Beehive Bazaar coming up here on Friday- which- by the way-is going to be so great, if you live in Utah you have to go!
If you want to see a few more aprons, skirts, and what not look here.

26 November 2007

hiking in Torrey Utah

Here are a few nature-ific shots from a super-fun hike we went on while visiting the grandparents for the holiday.

I finally got the super macro setting to work on ye old camera... I love that you can see the individual grains of sand that make up the sandstone in this picture.

19 November 2007

I'm thankful for... and puppies. This is not our puppy, but a visiting neighbor puppy getting a little socialization. So cute, the perfect age and chubbiness for cuddling. I couldn't get enough, I took lots of pictures and the next day even begged the kids to borrow her back again. I could just carry her around in a baby sling all day.

16 November 2007

book group

Last night I hosted book group. We had read Lord of the Flies, a very good re-read, it's been since high school when I read it the first time. It was surprising how much I had forgotten, other parts I still remembered all these years later, but quite different from an adult/parent perspective.
Anyway, as you can see...I got a little crazy with the treats. I went with the theme of the book. Fruit, and lots of it, pig, (pulled pork from Smokehouse...yummm) guacamole, mango salsa and- I had to throw in cupcakes- because if it had been girls on that island don't you think we would have figured out how to bake up a batch of scrumptious treats one way or another!?
We even had a conch on hand, although we didn't bother passing it around to speak, that might be taking it a little too far.
I felt like a Piggy (or the Piggy) after the feast. I lieu of a warm beach on a coral island to lay on, we basked in front of the fire on the couch. Good times- it's always super-fun to relax, eat too much, talk about a book (or not) tell a few stories, and chit-chat with my book group ladies every month.

14 November 2007

little aprons

This is what I have been doing...making aprons.
Check out what else will be shop-able at the Beehive Bazaar, coming up here in a few weeks.

10 November 2007

MB ride

Today was absolutely gorgeous- sunny and about 70 degrees. After pretty much ignoring the great weather all week, today I put aside all of my duties, chores, and sewing that needs doin' and went for a long, super-fun mountain bike ride. We rode up on Mount Nebo around Payson Lakes, about 13 miles in all. I haven't ridden in that area all year, (I think) it was quite a late fall treat. As you can see there were no leaves left, it looked very winterish with the bare trees, no color left. There is nothing like a good ride, especially single track through the mountains, to clear my head and leave me in a peaceful, happy state of mind.
In case you were wondering about my tooth was tooth #30, and it was in some serious distress, almost dead and the beginning to absess (yuck). So, I got a pulpectomy- or something along those lines. I have to go back to my real dentist, get numbed all over again and have a root canal in about a week, yeah! But, today I feel about 1 million times better, and I shant be taking my good health for granted anymore.

09 November 2007

what a week!

I am trying to think positive. I'm killing time. This sounds weird, and is just about the last last thing I should to be doing right now but, I have the worst tooth ache and I have 2+ hours to wait until I can get into the Emergency dentist (sounds a little sketchy and desperate I know, but my real dentist can't fit me in and I have reached the point of absolute desperation) Remember the scene in Castaway when Tom Hanks knocks out his own tooth with and ice skate blade? I can see where he is coming from. 800 mg of ibuprofen seems to be taking the edge off.
I type because I can't concentrate on anything else.

This little note gives you a brief look into how my week has been. This week confirms my theory that it is easier to parent toddlers and babies over pre-teens (in some aspects). This does not mean that I don't absolutely adore my children and love being a mother-'cuz I do. It only means that when kids get to a certain age they develop their own 'agenda'.
You can't just say, "get into the car we need to go run errands", because they won't go- it isn't part of their 'agenda'. (they are thinking "what's in it for me?") In these cases parenting isn't so cut and dried. I'm not talking about don't hit your sister or stay out of the street. I'm talking about issues that don't have an obvious right or wrong answer. Answers to questions like, "Can I have my own cell phone/ipod/bedroom?..."
How can you do the right thing as a parent when you don't even know what the right thing is. Do they need all of these things? How can you teach them about needs vs. wants without being the big-bad-mommy.

As you may know- my kids are note writers. Here is just some of the notes we have gotten this week from our oldest, Q. She wants her own room, and I would like her to have it, but it would mean that the toy room would become another bedroom and the toys would be homelessly squatting throughout the rest of the house- something I don't think I can handle.

Her clever tactics amaze me. On Monday she turned in a 3 page report called "My Research says..." with some charts and graphs on the hourly usage of the room in question as toy room vs. her bedroom, percentages etc.
We were treated to an oral presentation on Tuesday explaining the research. When we quietly remarked that giving her the toy room probably wouldn't work she left the room rather abruptly and these notes (and a few others) were posted to her door.
On Wednesday and Thursday she started cleaning up the toy room and making space for her things PROMISING the little ones can still play there (the- I just ignore my parents and do it anyway game plan).
Last night she even slept there. Steve O and I even joked about rustling some leaves outside her window or lightly tapping on the window- a few scare tactics- while it might seem kind of funny- especially in like 10 years- maybe not the most mature way to parent.
So we'll see how it plays out. When I get my tooth problem fixed or get my hands on some serious drugs to ease my physical suffering then I can likely bear the mental and emotional aspects of my life a little better.

07 November 2007

05 November 2007

time to get serious

OK, no more costumes to make, but plenty of time at the sewing machine coming my way. It's time to get serious about the Beehive Bazaar coming up quickly- the weekend after Thanksgiving- yikes!
I am going to be making the usual fare: aprons, purses, skirts for little ones (not us grown up gals, but perhaps some tweens) and perhaps shirts with a bit of applique and some felt ornaments. We will see how the next few weeks pan out. Life seems to take over when I would really rather be sewing up a storm in my cute little workroom.


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