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02 June 2010

some more red rock fun & games

We hit the red rocks again this past weekend, Lake Powell as tradition goes. The water was no bathtub (like it is in August and September), but the air temperature was perfect- in the 80's (I think). You can see the high water mark here, the lake level seems to be steadily rising, a bit higher every year, I wonder if it will ever reach the high water mark again. It might be a bit weird (in a good way) to not have to see the HWM across all the cliff faces.
View from the crack climb just off the main channel.

These tiny rock friends have all been trapped inside this sandstone bowl together for so long, the water has shaped most of them into perfect little balls.

The kids, enjoying scampering over, under, around and through the rocks.

The water was very... well... refreshing... An unseasonable cold spring made it the coldest water I've ever felt at Lake Powell this time of the year (it's around 65 degrees, I think).
Good thing cold water doesn't bother kids...

1 comment:

Renee said...

It was very cold but fun to relax on the beach.


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