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29 September 2010

It's Kind of a Funny Story

I caught Fresh Air this afternoon on NPR as I was driving down Provo Canyon for the one millionth time this fall as we try and get all of our belongings from Point A to Point B. Zac Galifianakis was the guest today, promoting his new movie It's Kind of a Funny Story, and talking about all being funny and whatnot. Good interview, I always enjoy Fresh Air- but don't catch it often enough. I'm putting this movie on my post-moving list-of-things to do, if I can handle one of the characters being named Noelle. I don't have to share my name very often, it's always a bit weird for me. When I was a kid I used to turn bright red and crawl under the pew when "The First Noel" was sang in church. The 'other Noelle' in high school was a teacher's pet/know-it-all- I think that's what ruined it for me.
 If you haven't seen his other movie The Hangover, I recommend it, it's funnier than you would think.

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