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16 May 2007

mr. bubs

our littlest fella just turned three. oh, how the time passes...way too fast that's how.

crew (aka "mr. bubs") requested a yellow truck cake, and here's how it turned out. as you can see- i'm no professional. but, i am very against store bought cake-they look gross and taste gross. i love getting creative (and perhaps a little crazy) when making cakes. i learned it from my mom who always went all out with our custom birthday cake requests. (i was always so impressed when she could pull off the barbie in the dress cake) so, thanks mom for years of custom cake inspiration.
a yellow truck cake?... it's the least i can do for my precious little dreamlet-on his birthday...
as you can see some chubby little, grubby little fingers couldn't wait and I had to scrape off and re-write the end of "happy birthday crew" as best i could, it was still a little smudgy- (that's what i get for not taking a picture right away) but now it's all in our tummies, so it doesn't matter. oooh, and it tasted scrumptious.

1 comment:

Hailey said...

Noelle, That is so beautiful! You know, Japanese art is more valuable for the imperfections. Perfection is so obvious. (Talk to Joe Bennion about this.) That is where IT is. And, what's a birthday cake without finger treads?
Happy Birthday Crew!
Hey, my clay studio is almost up and running. Come make hand prints!


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